Hitsauskurssi.fi - Todennäköisesti Suomen tehokkain alkeiskurssi
Hitsauskurssi | MIG-hitsaus


A one-day MIG/MAG welding basics course. All learning takes place in the workshop, working directly with tools and performing various welding exercises. By the end of the day, participants will have the knowledge, skills, and confidence to begin welding and continue practicing independently.

At your own premises within the Uusimaa region
Fixed courses in Vantaa

  • Operation and adjustment of a welding machine
  • The most common welding positions and techniques
  • Troubleshooting and problem-solving in welding
  • For companies, groups, and individual participants
Hitsauskoneen säätäminen | Kemppi MinarcMig 200


Learning materials, thoughts, and tips on MIG/MAG welding and related topics.

  • Information for beginners
  • Tips and perspectives for the more experienced
  • Entertainment for enthusiasts


Read the last article of 2024.
Complete step-by-step instructions for the tables used at the course!
Includes EVERYTHING from start to finish.

Hitsauskoulutus | MIG/MAG-hitsaus

Hitsauskurssi.fi headquarters
Mittatie 14, Vantaa

Hitsauskurssi.fi päämaja
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